Web App 8.6 and Mobile App 1.5


Staff Shift changes

  • To provide greater transparency and auditability between the hours and/or kilometres (kms) rostered, the actual hours worked and/or kms travelled, and the finalised data for payroll, the single ‘Working From-To Time’ column in the Activity Staff section of the Activity record has been updated and split into three columns: ‘Rostered’, ‘Recorded’, and ‘Finalised’.
  • A contextual ‘Actions’ menu has been added to the far right of the Activity Staff section of the Activity record (replacing the Delete trashcan icon).
    • The Actions menu is now where you can ‘Change Staff’, update ‘Non-NDIS Chargeable Hours’, or ‘Delete [the] Shift’.
  • This release steps toward aligning the workflows for Staff Shifts in the Web App and Mobile App:
    • Shift Sign Off is now available in the Mobile App, and
    • Check In/Out and Recorded Kms data is now displayed instantaneously under ‘Recorded’ in the Activity record on the Web App.
  • The Activity Sign Off no longer autocompletes the Staff Shift Sign Off when the Shift Sign Off is configured as on for the relevant Services (as is the default).
    • Any Staff Shifts included in an Activity that has been Signed Off will be available to include in Timesheet Batches for payroll, regardless of the Shift Sign Off status.


Please see the new Rostered, Recorded, and Finalised Staff Shifts and Kms Overview article for more information about all of the above changes.


New Staff Shift Settings configurable by Service are now available which apply to both the Web App and the Mobile App, allowing providers to:

  • Turn off or on features related to Staff Shifts, e.g. Shift Sign Off or the ability to Capture Kms.
    • Shift Sign Off and Capture Kms are on for all Services by default, as is the current functionality.
  • Configure inline Warning messages for Recorded Shift Hours and/or Kms based on customised thresholds.
  • Set your organisation’s preference for the default data to populate in Finalised, designed to minimise the clicks required for those completing the Activity Sign Off.
    • The default settings for existing and new Services added for Finalised are to populate Rostered data for Hours, and Recorded data for Kms.
  • A Bulk Actions menu has been added to allow Staff Shift settings to be applied to multiple Services at a time.

Please see the new How to configure Staff Shift Settings by Service article for more information.


Changes have been made to the Activity Schedule Dashboard Portal to align with the above:

  • The first section of the Activity Schedule Dashboard portal has been renamed to ‘Shifts without Sign Off’.
    • If ‘Shift Sign Off’ is turned off for the related Service, the ‘Shift Sign Off’ column will be empty.
  • The bottom section of this Dashboard portal has been renamed to ‘Shifts with Shift or Activity Sign Off complete
  • Status icons have been updated to help determine whether the Shift Sign Off is required or has been completed (please see below).

The following changes have been made to Activity Icons:

  • The clock icon has been updated to ‘Shift Not Signed Off‘.
    • This icon now only displays when Shift Sign Off is configured for a related Service. 
  • The tick icon has been updated to ‘Shift Signed Off‘ solely.
    • This icon was previously used to reflect Activity Sign Off, too. 
  • A new checklist icon has been added to reflect when the ‘Activity has been Signed Off‘.
  • These Activity icon changes have been applied in the following places on the Web App:
    • Roster
    • Activity Schedule Dashboard Portal
    • Activity Search Results Lists
    • Activity Report
    • Activity Staff Report
    • Activity Staff section of the Activity record
    • Activities tab on the Client record

Changes have also been made to the Activity Staff Report, the Staff Hours Report and Timesheet Batch data to align with the above: 

  • Rostered shift information and kms is returned in the results for the following reports up until Activity Sign Off, then Finalised data is used:
    • Activity Staff Report and associated exports
    • Staff Hours Report and exports
  • All Timesheet Batch exports have been updated to use Finalised data.

This release also includes an update to how SupportAbility completes Support Item Budget calculations in NDIS Client Funding records when a frequency other than ‘once’ is selected.

  • Before this update, a pro-rata based on 365 days was applied regardless of the frequency selected, e.g., ‘weekly’ or ‘monthly’.
  • This update removes the pro-rata from the calculation, resulting in clearer and more predictable calculated totals based on the Funding period and eliminating the confusion surrounding how these calculations are completed.
  • In this release, all existing calculated Support Item Budgets that use a frequency other than ‘once’ will be converted from a calculated budget to a ‘Total Budget’ value.
    • This is required to ensure that existing calculated Support Item Budgets are not recalculated. It will also ensure that the value of the existing calculated Budgets remains unchanged while allowing all future calculated Support Item Budgets to be completed with the updated formula.
    • Information about the previous calculator parameters has been added to the corresponding notes field of any calculated Support Item Budgets for reference.