Web App 8.3.1


NDIS Group Supports update

  • To ensure that the Support Items associated with the new pricing arrangements for group-based social and community participation are available prior to the upcoming transition deadline of the 31st of December, 2023; the NDIS Group Supports setting has been changed for providers that are still in the ‘Transitional Approach’ stage to the ‘Preparation Phase’.
  • This update also removes the ability to revert this setting to the ‘Transitional Approach’, which was previously possible, and has made this option unavailable to select across all SupportAbility installations. This is required to ensure that the group-based social and community participation supports associated with the new pricing arrangements are available in all SupportAbility installations.
  • To clarify, this update does not change any existing data; it just means the Support Items associated with the new pricing arrangements for group-based social and community participation are no longer hidden and are available to utilise as required.

Please see the Transitioning to the New Approach for Community and Centre Based Group NDIS Supports article and let us know if you have any questions at all about this. 


Minor updates to the Client Workforce tab for Supported Employment

  • Addition of a new SWS ID field to record the participant’s Supported Wage System ID where applicable

  • The existing ‘Award Grade’ field has been converted to a configurable List called Client: Workforce Award Grade (available in the Lists tab in System Preferences).

    No changes have been made to existing data, however, the default Award Grade options to select now include – A, B, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.