

Complete rebuild of the NDIS Client Funding engine.

Please review the SupportAbility v6.0 NDIS Direct Client Funding and NDIS Plan Managed Client Funding article for a detailed summary, including:
– NDIS Client Funding – Direct and Plan Managed
– Enhancements
– Budgets & Utilisation
– Client Funding Statements
– Archived records
– Is there anything our organisation needs to do?


Two types of NDIS Client Funding have been introduced:
– NDIS Direct Client Funding, and
– NDIS Plan Managed Client Funding.


A series of interface enhancements have been made around the process of creating and editing NDIS Client Funding records.

In addition, SupportAbility now groups Support Categories and Items by Support Category for a clearer overall view.


Improved validation when editing Client Funding records to reduce the risk of configuration errors


Changes to Client Funding records will now only be saved when Staff select to save the record, or request to do so via the unsaved page alert.


Improved user feedback via three warning levels (red – error, amber – warning, blue – informational)