

The new ‘Non-Face-to-Face’ Claim Type is now available for eligible Supports in Activities and External Invoices on or after July 1st 2019.


The Activity Schedule Report has been rebuilt and separated into three reports:
1. Activity Report
2. Activity Clients Report
3. Activity Staff Report

New search criteria have been added to each report, such as the ability to search for Active and/or Inactive Clients, and/or Staff, along with improved multi-select functionality. The exports available from the Actions menu are now specific to the report being generated.

1. The ‘Activity Report’ replaces the ‘Service Schedule’ and returns results of Activity records.

Please see the Activity Report Knowledge Base article for more information regarding this.

2. The ‘Activity Clients Report’ replaces the ‘Client Schedule’ and returns results of Clients in Activities.

For example, in the case of a group Activity, the results returned in this report will list the same Activity multiple times, with each result reflecting the Clients participating in the Activity.

The new search criteria ‘Journals’ has been added to this report, to search for Clients with one or more Journals added from the Activity, or none.

The new search criteria ‘Support Item’ has been added to this report, to search for specific NDIS Support Items which have been allocated for Clients in Activities.

Please see the Activity Clients Report Knowledge Base article for more information regarding this.

3. The ‘Activity Staff Report’ replaces the ‘Staff Schedule’ and returns results of Staff shifts in Activities.

For example, in the case of a group Activity where more than one Staff member has been added, the results returned in this report will list the same Activity multiple times, with each result reflecting the Staff facilitating the Activity.

The new search criteria ‘Staff Timesheet Sign Off Status’ has been added to this report, to search by Staff Timesheets Sign Off Status if your organisation is using this feature.

Please see the Activity Staff Report Knowledge Base article for more information regarding this.

A notification message has been included when any of these reports are selected to inform Staff about these changes. A link to the related Knowledge Base article is also included to explain the changes further as well as stepping through the search criteria. This notification message may be dismissed or set to remind the individual later, as required. N.B. Notification messages expire after a period of three months.


The default price for the Transport (02_051_0108_1_1) Support Item can now be customised in System Preferences.

Upon editing this value, this will become the default ‘Price Limit’ for this Support. Once saved, this price will be applied to all NDIS Support Allocations of Transport (02_051_0108_1_1) in Activities which:

– are not Signed Off,
– do not have a completed Client Support Log, and
– do not have a Custom Price or Fixed Price Allocation configured in the Client’s NDIS Direct Funding record.

Please see the Transport NDIS Support Item Knowledge Base article for more information regarding this.


A new validation has been added for NDIS Supports with a Price Limit, when a Custom Price is entered with the same value in the Client Funding record.

If the Staff member did not intend to customise the price, this will need to be cleared in order to use the default pricing. This is important for providers with TTP activated, to ensure the TTP pricing is applied in NDIS Support Allocations.

If it is intended to be customised in this manner, this will be saved as a Custom Price and then used in NDIS Support Allocations regardless of the NDIS Price Guide in use and/or the TTP setting being active.


The ‘Epilepsy’ drop-down selection option available in the ‘Disabilities Summary & Medical Information’ section of the Client::Status tab, has been updated and is now a configurable List in System Preferences.


All pre-July 1st 2017 NDIS Direct & Plan Managed Client Funding records, Activities and External Invoices have been archived.


Fixed an issue where Staff Phone Numbers could not be entered using the numpad on the keyboard.