

The Quantity column is now always used, instead of the Hours column, for Supports with an Hours Unit of Measure in both NDIS Bulk Payment Request export file formats.


A new feature is available where any notes saved in the Client Funding record can be displayed against the relevant Supports in the NDIS Support Allocations window of the Activity record.

‘Show Client Funding Notes when Allocating Supports’ is off by default and is configured in the NDIS section of the Funding tab of System Preferences.


The Staff Account Search has been rebuilt and is responsive based on the users privileges, whereby the Search Criteria and list results are restricted to the Staff information the user has access to.

New multi-select options are available for Services, Sites and Primary Site. A new Site/Service search criteria is also available to search for Staff who are set to work at specific Site/Services as itemised in their Staff Account.

Document Search Criteria has been removed from the Staff Accounts Search. Documents can be located using the Document Search report.

‘Has Emergency Contact’ search criteria for valid Emergency Contacts has been added.

The ‘Email all staff in this list’ button has been removed from the search results list and is now included in the Actions menu.

Please review the Staff Accounts Search article for more information.


An additional button has been added when Staff are required to ‘Acknowledge Client Warnings’ as configured in System Preferences, to give the Staff Member an option to not acknowledge the warnings and exit the record if they so choose.

If ‘I do not acknowledge these Client Warnings’ is selected, the Staff member access to the Client record is not granted and they will be reverted to the Dashboard. The warnings will appear upon opening the Client record again and require acknowledgement before access to the record is granted.


Client Funding Details can now be printed for NDIS Direct and Plan Managed Client Funding records. Notes and warnings are not populated in this print.


Client:Gender is now a customisable List and can be configured as required in System Preferences.

If there have been any previous entries of ‘Other’, these will be included in this list for your organisation.


Addition of two new Search criteria in the Staff Training Search Report: ‘Training Type’ and ‘Document Type’.

A new Staff:Training Type list has been created based on the 20 most used Training Types for your organisation.

This List may be configured in the Lists tab of System Preferences as required.


The ‘Mobile Number’ field in the Staff:Human Resources tab has been updated to two fields: ‘Work Mobile Number’ and ‘Personal Mobile Number’.

A Staff members ‘Work Mobile Number’ is displayed in the Staff List results following a Staff Account Search being generated for those with the required privileges to view this information.

Where a mobile number had been entered, this will be populated in both fields, therefore, this may need to be reviewed to ensure that it is listed correctly.


Staff require a valid Emergency Contact to be set in the Contacts tab of their Staff Account, a first name and phone number is required as a minimum. Incomplete Staff Member warnings will be displayed if no valid Emergency Contact is available.

Please review the Staff Accounts – Human Resources tabs article for more information.


Supports with an Hours Unit of Measure will always be displayed in decimal format in the Quantity field in the NDIS Support Allocations window regardless of the format in which they have been entered.


NDIS Support Allocations across Activities and External Invoices are now consistent in regards to how totals are rounded. For example, a total of $64.335 or higher will be rounded to $64.34, whereas a total of $64.334 or lower will be truncated to $64.33.


If an NDIS Support Item or Flexible Budget is made ‘Unavailable’ but is already allocated to Activities which have not been Signed Off; a validation message is displayed.

This is designed to alert the Staff member that the Support is in use with a link to the Activity/Activities, along with a confirmation that upon saving the Support as ‘Unavailable’, these allocations will be removed.

Please note, if Client Support Logs have been completed, these allocations will not be altered.