

When a new NDIS Price Guide comes into effect, it is automatically applied ‘as soon as available’ in SupportAbility. This means that from July 1st, the new NDIS Price Guide is referenced and used for all Client NDIS Support Allocations in Activities that are delivered on, or after this date, provided the Activity Sign Off has not yet been performed.

A new setting has been added to the Funding tab in System Preferences, where providers may choose not to apply the new NDIS Price Guide as soon as it is available, by configuring the NDIS Price Guide transition default setting to ‘Never’. This means that the new NDIS Price Guide will not be applied to any Client NDIS Support Allocations in Activities on or after July 1st, even when it becomes available in SupportAbility.

The NDIS Price Guide Transition setting may also be configured in each individual Client’s NDIS Funding record. Please see the NDIS Price Guide Transition article for more information.

If your organisation does not have a specific clause in your Service Agreements stating that the prices of NDIS Supports may change to align with NDIS Price Guide updates, configuring the NDIS Price Guide transition default to ‘Never’ is recommended as soon as possible ahead of the 2019/20 NDIS Price Guide release.


A new System Preferences Setting has been added, where the ability to add a new Client record may be restricted to Staff with Team Leader privileges.


An additional column titled ‘Client NDIS Allocated Hours’ has been added to the Activity Schedule Report via the Client Schedule mode export. This column displays the total NDIS Support Allocation hours specific to the Client.


Reinstated the ability to export the NDIS Client Funding Statements in CSV format.


The name of the printable Client report ‘Intake Form (Blank PIF)’ has been updated to ‘Personal Information Form (Blank)’ to more clearly reflect that this is a blank version of the Personal Information Form only.


Update to several column header names in the Client::Activities tab:
– Chargeable Items,
– Hours, and
– Value.


Update to ensure that if GST is applicable to Activity Costs for non-NDIS billing, that the totals displayed in SupportAbility and the Client Funding Statement include GST.


Client records cannot be deleted in cases where they are attached to:
– Activities
– Journals
– External Invoices
– Client Incidents
– AIR Incidents – People Involved
– AIR Incidents – Injured Parties


An amber warning message now appears on the Dashboard for Staff when SupportAbility is being accessed using an outdated internet browser.

We encourage all providers to ensure that the most current browser version is available to Staff on the devices they use to access SupportAbility. This is important to ensure the most optimal user experience of SupportAbility.


Document Search Criteria has been removed from the Client Search and the Contacts Search. Documents can be located using the Document Search report.


Fixed an issue where the dates on the Staff Availability Exceptions Dashboard Portal were displaying the dates incorrectly as 1970. New Task


Fixed an issue where multiple Client Journals were being created from the Activity record, before the initial one loaded correctly. The multiple Client Journal feature in Activities is now functioning correctly, ensuring only one Client Journal can be added at a time.


Several updates to the Available Client Funding report to ensure the full and pro-rata funding amounts are displayed correctly.


Fixed an issue with the Client Search not filtering correctly, when no Services were selected. The Client Search filters correctly again, returning a list of results as per the search criteria selected.