

A new Client Warnings Report is now available in the Client Reports section of the Reports menu. This report allows Staff to search for Client Warnings, Medical Conditions and Behaviours as entered in the Status tab, yielding results of the Client records that they have access to. Please see the Client Warnings Report Knowledge Base article for for more information regarding this new feature.


A new Detailed BPR Report has been developed to assist providers with finance reconciliation of Invoices for the NDIA. This new export includes all of the information displayed on screen, as well as the BPR #, Claim Reference, Invoice Item Reference, Invoice Number and Invoice Batch (where applicable) for reference.

Details regarding this new export and the other tools available to assist have been outlined in the Reconciling Invoices for the NDIA Knowledge Base article for reference.


The link to the associated NDIS Direct Client Funding record has been updated when generating or viewing a Direct Bulk Payment Request (BPR).

This now displays the specific name of the record, minus the Funding Type reference. For example, ‘Client Funding: 28/04/2019 – 28/04/2020 (#42)’.


The Client’s NDIS Number is now positioned at the top of the Client Details tab of the Client record for greater prominence under their Name, rather than in the Administration section.