

The workflow for generating NDIS Direct Bulk Payment Requests (BPRs) has changed as a first step towards the ability to identify and process rejected claims:

– Direct BPRs are now generated prior to Invoice Batches (for the NDIA)
– Direct BPRs now include NDIS Support Allocations from Signed Off Activities, rather than NDIA Invoices
– Invoice Batches for the NDIA can then be generated following the creation of a BPR from the ‘View Direct BPR’ page (as required).

N.B. The process for generating Invoice Batches for Self Managed and Plan Managed Clients remains the same.

Please see the Generating an NDIS Direct Bulk Payment Request (BPR) Knowledge Base article for comprehensive information regarding the changes to this workflow.

For more information regarding future steps please review the Enhancements to Direct Bulk Payment Requests Knowledge Base article.


A new ‘Invoice Batch Details’ section is included in each Direct Invoice Batch. The ‘Invoice Batch ID’ is displayed here and the ‘Invoice Date’ may now be changed as required.

For more information regarding this please review the Generating a Direct Invoice Batch Knowledge Base article.


A new Finance menu is available from the Dashboard for Staff with the required privileges i.e. ‘View Financial Information’ privilege & ‘Edit Client Records across ALL Services’ including:

– Bulk Payment Requests
– Invoices
– Time Sheets
– Debtor exports, and
– Various finance-related reports


Minor updates have been made to the Activity record:

– The ‘Status’ column in the Client section of the record is replaced by a new ‘Finance’ column
– Once a BPR or Invoice has been generated, a link appears to a new Finance Records modal for Staff with the required privileges
– Instead of an icon in the Status section, Client conflict warnings are now displayed inline under the Client Name


The ability to search for Invoices by one or more ‘Debtors’ has been added to the ‘Search Direct Invoices’ feature available from the new Finance menu.


Negative quantities or prices can no longer be entered in External Invoice Items. Making adjustments in this manner is not supported.